Calkins- 7th Grade Homework

Here is the image and information you need to complete the Art Scene Investigation about Magritte's painting:

Time Period: Surrealism
Artist: Rene Magritte
Title: les valeurs personnelles
Year created: 1952

Please remember to list where the Elements and Principles are found in the painting. Use the definitions on the back of the page to help if you get stuck. Try not to repeat the same answers for multiple questions. If it is not represented please write "none". You do not have to complete the section titled "Media/Process/Production/Size". If you have questions or concerns email me! Happy Weekend.  -Miss K

BRMS- 8th Grade

Please remember to complete the reading and questions of the Scholastic article and your Propaganda brainstorming sheet for homework over the long weekend. Bring them with you to the 309 Mac Lab on Wednesday 11/14. See you then!

BRMS Art Club

The BRMS Art Club will meet on Wednesday 11/14 in room 216 from 2:30-3:20. New members are always welcome, so bring a friend!