Barker- 8th Grade

BRMS currently has work on display in the Board of Education meeting room #1 and the Pittsford Public Library for the month of December. Here is what we have been up to in class!

Above are expressive line mixed media projects. First the students used black acrylic paint and experimented with different types of line. Students learned about color theory and then added oil pastel into the negative spaces of their paintings.

For our first project, students created contour line drawings of their classmates. Some contour line drawings were done "blind" meaning they only looked at their subject and not their paper.

Our latest project is based on the elements of art: color & form. Students were asked to create a relief or in-the-round paper sculpture. They started by creating multi-color painted papers, using different tools and brushes to create texture. They then used foam core, hot glue, knives and in some cases, wire to turn their 2-d papers into a 3-d form!

Calkins- 6th Grade Printmaking Mandalas

Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means "circle". In the Buddhist and Hindu religious traditions their sacred art often takes a mandala form. The basic form of most Hindu and Buddhist mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. Students created their mandala prints using linoleum and water based inks. They were also taught about radial balance, the history of printmaking and its influence on art history. Enjoy!

Christian B; Chris D; Kate S

Melody S; Michael D; Hayden D; Tanner H

Genna G; Jackie H; Cat V; Kaitlin R

Jacob V; Ariella W; Rachel G; Lauren C

Calkins- Art Club

Art Club will hold its next meeting on Wednesday 11/30 after school if room E20.

Calkins- 7th Grade Grid Project

Here is one of the completed grid projects done by 2 of my sections of 7th grade art. Students used artists graphite pencils, learned how to create a grid and enlarge a drawing in proportion. Enjoy!

Calkins- 8th Grade Cloud Studies

Barker- Day One

In order to starting painting in class on Wednesday, and not have to come in on your own to catch up, you must have completed TWO sketches in your sketchbook by class on Wednesday. One sketch is to be "in-the-round" and the second should be a "relief". Filling them with colored pencil is not a requirement, but would be great if you have time!

Calkins- Art Club

Our next meeting will be Tuesday 10/25 in room E24. We always welcome new members!

Calkins- Art Club

Attention art club members, we will meet twice this week to work on the morning show doodles and the sets for the 6th grade musical. Please join us on Wednesday and Friday from 2:30-3:20 in room E24. Bring a change of clothes or a smock, since Wednesday is picture day. See you there!!

ASI Image Barker: Day One

In order to complete the rest of your ASI, use the image below. If you were on track in class all you need to complete is the "Elements of Art" section. Use the half sheet hand out I gave you, if you need help with the definitions. You can also access the info page by going to the following link.

Tomb Chapel of Raemkai: South Wall

Classroom Update

Barker- The 8th graders have finished their first unit using contour line. Thanks to all of the students who volunteered and were wonderful "models". Next up we will work together to complete the first ASI assignment in their sketchbook.

Calkins- The 6th graders are working to finish their first unit working with Japanese Notans. The concept deals with positive and negative space and is a great transition into our next unit, which will be printmaking. The 7th graders are currently finishing their Zentangles. They have been exploring line, pattern & contrast through Zentangles which are like an organized doodle. These are due on Monday/Tuesday so you may see your artist working on them at home to get them in on time! The 8th graders are working on examining clouds. We have had the chance to go outside and draw from life and now the students are drawing from a reference photo. They are working on creating the value and shape. They will then create a second piece where they transform their clouds into something recognizable. They also have their second sketchbook assignment due on Wed 10/5

Calkins Art Club- Our second meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 10/5 at 2:20 in room E24, see you there!!

8th Grade Sketchbooks

Calkins- Your first sketchbook assignment is due this Friday! Please make sure it is fully shaded or colored with colored pencil. You should spend about a half hour on each assignment. Please date and label the assignment. You may hand in your sketchbooks early.

Barker- Your sketchbooks should have already been given to Miss Keiser. Please make sure to have it in class by the beginning of next week because we will be using them. If there is any question about what should be purchased please let me know. Thanks!

Calkins- Art Club

Join art club! Attend our first meeting on Monday, September 19th at 2:30 in Mrs. Palermo's room. See you there :)


Welcome to Miss Keiser's Art Blog!! I am so excited to have YOU in my class this year. Please continue to refer back to the blog for class updates, assignments and student artwork. Below you will find some examples of my own personal artwork. I am so excited to be a part of the communities at Calkins and Barker Road Middle Schools!!

Final Project Examples

Here is a sample of the final production pieces created by the studio art students. I am so proud of each of you and cannot believe how much you have all grown since the beginning of the school year. Thanks for a fun and creative year. I have really enjoyed the last two years at Sutherland and will miss ALL of you! -Miss K

Vivien S.
Karen Z.
Sydney G.
Andrew T.
Rachel S.
Haley H.
Maegan B.
Kayla M.
Luisa S.
Lilli B.
Jaci H.
Fisher C
Liz G.
Brigitte G.
Rachel K.

Fine Arts Festival is Cancelled

The Fine Arts Festival has been cancelled due to the strong winds we are experiencing. Unfortunately, some of the work was damaged but hopefully nothing is missing. If you were able to take your work down before ninth period thanks for coming out and helping us. I have artwork that I will pass back tomorrow in class.

Sample Final Exam PowerPoints

Here are the sample PowerPoints I showed in class. Many students asked me to post them so here they are! Remember they play as a movie so just "pause" the movie when you want to.

Fine Arts Festival

Our fine arts festival will be held on Wednesday, June 1st from 2:30-7pm. All students must be there, or have designated someone, to pick up their artwork and take it home at the conclusion of the festival. The festival will feature original student artwork from every class offered at Sutherland. It will also feature music from multiple student ensembles. Judges, consisting of artists from the community, will be on hand to give awards for individual work and portfolios as a whole. Please come out and celebrate your child's success and see their AMAZING artwork from studio art this year!

Spring Update

We have completed our portrait unit and acrylic painting unit, where has Spring gone!! The portraits are very unique and hard for me to scan and display here on the blog. You'll have to make sure you attend the Fine Arts Festival on Wednesday June 1st here at Sutherland so you can see them. They are currently on display in the building and have been getting RAVE reviews from staff and students!! Students had their acrylic paintings due today. Their pantings were based on art history which was their inspiration. I hope to have them scanned and put on here the week we get back from break. Up next is a sculpture unit and then the final exam already!!!! The final consists of a production piece, presentation and an essay. Students begin conceptualizing their final in the beginning of May. I hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing Spring Break.
-Miss K

Watercolor Examples

Below are some student examples from our latest project: "View from a Window", which was inspired by the contemporary artist Matteo Pericoli. Students used pencil, watercolor paints and Sharpie. ENJOY!!Vivien
Luisa F.
Alex J.


Presentations due on Friday 2/18 are: Second Period- Sam J; Karen, Olivia & Kayla. Fourth Period-Haley, Claire, Rebecca, Elizabeth & Jamie. Eighth Period- Anne, Allison, Sydney, Izzy & Eve. Ninth Period- Michael, Eva, Vivien, Courtney & Julia. Please make sure the bibliography contains everything on the BACK of the pink handout and is a separate sheet of paper, not just placed in your actual PowerPoint presentation. Keep up the good work everyone!


The first round of presentations are tomorrow. Make sure you have your hand out, bibliography and presentation (in digital form) at the beginning of class. If you need me to copy your hand out for the class I need it the day BEFORE you present. The following students present on 2/11- Second Period: Hannah D; Erica, Liam, Maddi & Rhys. Fourth Period: Alex, Timo, Hope & Nina. Eighth Period: Liz, Kera and Rachel S. Ninth Period: Matt, Alex J; Davis, Marissa & Max. Scroll down to see my sample PowerPoint if you need help, and click on the tab for "class handouts" if you lost your pink instruction sheet. I also gave you a sample hand out from my presentation on Harlem Renaissance, please model your hand out after mine. Good Luck!

Mid Term Review Packet Info

Below, in a movie format, is the PP presentation I gave on 1/11. Use this to fill in any gaps you may have in your packet. If you need to stop on a slide for longer than the ten seconds allows, please feel free to pause the movie and play it again when ready.

Mid Term Review Sessions

If you feel like you need a little more review, then what we have done in class, please attend one or both of the following after school review sessions: Friday January 14th & Tuesday January 18th. They will both be at 2:30pm in room 138. I will be answering any questions you have and going over the review packet. Hope to see you there!

Art History Presentation Example

Below is the sample PP for the art history presentation I showed in class. If you need to focus on one slide you can pause the movie player. If you are looking for information about the assignment you will find it under the page for class handouts.

Tableau Vivants

Before winter recess students participated in creating "live pictures", which in French is "Tableau Vivants". Students were put into groups, given a masterpiece, and had about 20 minutes to prepare, by finding objects around the room, creating props & backdrops and even changing their clothing. Below is the masterpiece and then a photograph of each group creating the T.V. from all of my studio art sections. The kids had a blast and surprised me by the creativity and imagination they all have. ENJOY!!!!!