Calkins- The 6th graders are working to finish their first unit working with Japanese Notans. The concept deals with positive and negative space and is a great transition into our next unit, which will be printmaking. The 7th graders are currently finishing their Zentangles. They have been exploring line, pattern & contrast through Zentangles which are like an organized doodle. These are due on Monday/Tuesday so you may see your artist working on them at home to get them in on time! The 8th graders are working on examining clouds. We have had the chance to go outside and draw from life and now the students are drawing from a reference photo. They are working on creating the value and shape. They will then create a second piece where they transform their clouds into something recognizable. They also have their second sketchbook assignment due on Wed 10/5
Calkins Art Club- Our second meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 10/5 at 2:20 in room E24, see you there!!