8th Grade Oil Pastel

This year, Mrs. Warchol’s eighth grade classes are developing all of their projects based on a theme. We started the semester by researching different art themes, some of which are food, nature, identity, communication, sports & games and imagination. The first project was to create an oil pastel drawing, depicting an object related to their individual theme. After learning different techniques and finding a reference photo, these drawings were created!

Themes Include: Inequality, Perspective, Identity, Imagination
Communication,  Memory,  Emotion, Learning, Childhood
Games & Sports

Drawing Challenge Calendar

Here is the calendar for the art club drawing challenge. You must have signed up at the art club meeting to receive supplies and participate. The challenge starts Wednesday 11/18. Your first drawing is then due the following day, good luck!!

Click on the image to enlarge. 

Drawing Challenge

You do not have to be a member of Art Club to participate :) 

First Semester- Half Way Point

Holy cow, how have ten weeks passed so quickly?!? Just a friendly reminder that we do not assign report card grades for art, for the 10 week marking period. Since we only see you every other day, we consider this our 5 week point. Currently you have been able to finish one exercise and a major project and we do not feel that those grades always represent an accurate measure of how you are progressing in art. If you are ever curious about your progress, feel free to check out Infinite Campus or just ask me!

Art Club

Art club will hold its second meeting on Wednesday, October 21st at 2:30 in room E20. We will be making some "SWEET" artwork! Remember, art club meets the third Wednesday of each month and new members are always welcome.

Art Club

Come to our first art club meeting! We meet the third Wednesday of each month and occasionally we meet more than once a month. If you can't attend the first meeting, be sure to see me for details. When you come, bring a friend! 

Click on the Image to Enlarge

Welcome to CRMS Art 2015-2016!

Welcome to Mrs. Warchol's Art Blog, I am so excited to have YOU in my class this year! I hope you've had a fun and restful Summer, I can't believe how fast it went. This is my seventh year in Pittsford and my fifth year at CRMS. In addition to teaching sixth, seventh and eighth grade art, I am also the art club advisor. Please continue to refer back to the blog for class updates, student artwork and art club announcements.

My husband and me
Rocko the Boston Terrier

I have been involved in the arts since high school and fell in love with it, specifically photography, immediately! I went to The University at Buffalo and got my Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in photography. I worked as a photographer right out of college and still own my own photography business. After a while I decided to go back to school to get my Masters Degree and teaching certificate from Nazareth College. You can often find me at the Memorial Art Gallery or the George Eastman House. I love art so much I married a graphic designer! Below you will find some examples from my summer photo diary, enjoy! 





Almost Summer...

I cannot believe how quickly this school year progressed and how much each of you grew during your time in my classroom. Whether it was tackling a new medium or trying a new technique, you each did a fabulous job rising to the high expectations I set for you, not that I am surprised.

For my 8th graders who are moving on to high school, I wish you the best of luck and hope you come back to visit once in a while. For my 6th and 7th graders you will be in great hands regardless of who your art teacher will be next year!

For now I look forward to reading, traveling, working part-time, playing with Rocko and tackling all sorts of projects at our new house. I hope you all have a wonderful and restful summer!

Spring Artwork

It is hard to believe that next week marks the beginning of June! Our Midknights have been working hard and I wanted to take this opportunity to share a recent project from each grade level. Enjoy!

8th Grade Self-portrait- Acrylic Painting

1st Row: Natalie, Hailey, Michael & Scott
2nd Row: Liam, Dylan & Grace
3rd Row:Taylor, Melissa, Nate & Sam
4th Row: David & Satti
5th Row: Nilesh, Anish, Kelly & Meena

6th Grade Mandala- Printmaking

7th Grade Animal Zentangle- Pencil & Sharpie

The Digies

Congratulations goes out to eighth grader Hailey Ra for being the first Pittsford student to EVER win a Digie! The Digies are a regional art competition for digitally made artwork. Hailey created a poster using Photoshop and placed second in the grades 7-9 publication category. Great job Hailey! 

Project Description: 
Students learned about historical propaganda posters and contemporary artists who use posters and public art, as a means to communicate their views on particular social issues. They then chose a social issue and researched what imagery would best support their topic. Next they researched or created text that would support their topic, this could be a phrase, word or even a statistic. Using Adobe Photoshop CS6 students created their posters, learning about composition layout, font style, color & size. Common Photoshop tools they used were layers, Type tool, the Magic Wand tool and the Paint Brush tool.

Technical Description: 
Hailey's topic was internet safety. The idea behind their poster demonstrates that you don't really know who you are communicating with on the other side of a computer. The girl has typed "hey katie", but the viewer clearly sees a boys' silhouette. Hailey chose the font to mimic a font you may see when typing or texting, she also chose to have her phrase at the top look "casual" in spelling and grammar for the same reason. Using the Paint Brush tool in Photoshop, the student created the silhouettes of the people and the computer. The text bubbles were appropriated from the internet but had text in them, the student removed the text and added her own messages. The student used the Type tool to add their phrase at the top of the poster.

Hailey after the awards ceremony! 

8th Grade Art Exhibition

For the first time, Calkins Road Middle School and Barker Road Middle School will collaborate to present an 8th Grade Art Exhibition. The exhibition will be held in the BRMS Gymnasium and coincide with the district budget vote on Tuesday, May 19th during the h​ours of 7:00am and 9:00pm. We hope you get the chance to enjoy the exhibition and see the amazing artistic talent we have here in Pittsford! ​

Art Club Drawing Challenge

We are approaching the half way mark of our drawing challenge, hosted by the CRMS Art Club. Students participating in the drawing challenge will create 20 different drawings, based on a word for each school day. We started with 27 artists and as of May 1st, 15 artists have completed every day of the challenge! Remember if you are part of the drawing challenge and have missed a drawing or two, don't give up, you can jump back in at any point. In addition to the fabulous prizes we will have awards for artists who reach certain milestones.

Here are a few examples of the display boards hanging up at CRMS. Enjoy!