7th Grade Brown Bag Drawings

At the end of last school year I gave my students a survey and asked them for feedback about what I could do differently. I then spent the summer planning new ideas for artwork, subject matter and media. So far the results have been great and I will post some student artwork as they begin to finish their first major unit. For daily updates don't forget to be checking out our Instagram page, it is open to the public, so you don't have to be on IG to see the page: @crms_art

Below are drawing exercises completed by my seventh grade students. They learned about contour lines (and other kinds of lines too), then they were asked to create a contour line drawing of a brown paper bag. They were each given their own bag and could manipulate it how they wanted to, without any majoring ripping. Once the drawing was done in pencil they drew over their lines in Sharpie.

Sarah S.

Nina A.

Gavin B.

Ethan T.

Carter K.
Alan R.

Alex R.