Extra Credit #1- Due Monday 9/28

In class we explored the elements of art. The elements are the basic vocabulary for creating and analyzing works of art. For extra credit, create an "Elements Book" no larger than 5 inches by 5 inches. You may fold a sheet of paper to create your pages or you may staple pages together. The front cover of the book must say "Elements of Art", and your name needs to be on the back cover. Label each page with one of the seven elements of art. Then use magazine photographs or internet print outs, and give one example for each element. Tape or glue the example under the label. This extra credit builds off of the elements exercise we did in class, and reinforces your understanding of the elements of art. This is an art project, be unique and have fun. The most creative books will receive the maximum number of points. Due Date:9/28 Points:50